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Features of Sahaj Solar Dryer

“Elevate Your Harvest: Sahaj Solar Dryer – Harnessing the Power of the Sun for Superior Drying Efficiency!”

Do It Yourself model (DIY): No expert required for installation

Light Weight and Portable

Foldable and Modular structure

Protection from Harmful UV radiation

Protects from Dust, Dirt

Protects from Rainfall, Insects



The most beneficial solar dryer for all small scale farmers to gain higher benefits from their produce. It is easy to install and can be operated by everyone.

  • Average Capacity: 20 kg
  • Size: 4 x 8 sq. ft
  • Maximum Temperature: 60 +- 10 Degree Celsius
  • Actual Size of solar dryer: Width: 46.5 inches
  • Height: 30 (Ground height) + 16 inches (Tunnel height), Length: 102 inches
  • Solar Panel Capacity: 10 W 12 V
  • Air Flow: Forced Convection using 12 V Fan
  • Number of Fans: 1
  • Total Drying area: 20 sq. ft.

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