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About Us


Raheja Solar Food Processing is a globally recognized social enterprise and a leading advocate for sustainable agriculture. We believe that earth is abundant in natural resources, capable of satisfying everyone’s needs, But, a significant portion of these resources goes to waste or remains unutilized. Raheja Solar Food Processing empowers farmers with technology, knowledge, and market support, enabling them to create sustainable and value-added products and supply them to sensible brands across the globe.

Affordable farm level technology

Vertically integrated supply chain using technology and standardization

Centralized market linkage

Premium quality, preservative free farm made products

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower small farmers by enabling sustainable practices that enhance their profitability and ensure long-term financial success by equipping them with the tools, knowledge, and market support they need to thrive in an ever-changing agricultural landscape.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the SEAL of TRUST for sensible brands in natural consumer products! 

Our Values

“Empowering Excellence, Embracing Integrity: Our Values, Your Success.”


Committing to a sustainable future for a healthier planet and thriving communities


Good health & Well Being

To ensure healthy lives and promote well being at all stages

Let’s work together to make our farmers INDEPENDENT

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Designed and Developed by Raheja Solar Food Processing © 2024 by RSFP. All Rights Reserved