Why Were Farmers Throwing Out Tomatoes? Engineer’s Solar Dryers Help Farmers Earn in Dire Times Indore-based Varun Raheja designed foldable, portable, and scalable solar dryers to help small and marginal…
“Harvesting Sunshine, Preserving Freshness: Raheja Solar Dryers.”
Why Were Farmers Throwing Out Tomatoes? Engineer’s Solar Dryers Help Farmers Earn in Dire Times Indore-based Varun Raheja designed foldable, portable, and scalable solar dryers to help small and marginal…
Nashik farmers use solar dryers to tackle price fluctuations in the market In the past year, farmers-members of Sahyadri Farms FPC in Nashik produced five tonnes of raisins from fresh grapes,…
How These Low-Cost Solar Dryers Are Solving India’s Food Wastage Crisis And Improving Income Of Farmers Read more at:https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/solar-dryers-can-solve-for-indias-food-wastage-crisis-and-improve-income-of-farmers-609415.html
Depending on when you are reading this article, you could have paid anywhere from Rs 10 to Rs 100 for a kilo of tomatoes. This wild swinging of market prices…
Varun Raheja, a mechanical engineer from India, was always fascinated by farming. As he loves nature, he considered farming, and working closely with flora and fauna, to be the best…
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